Towards socio-economic theory and practice of regulation. Evidence from OECD countries and Bangladesh , Author Goran Sumkoski, Cogent Social Sciences, November 2016, pp.1-22


Towards socio-economic theory and practice of regulation. Evidence from OECD countries and Bangladesh[1], Author Goran Sumkoski, Cogent Social Sciences, November 2016, pp.1-22


Towards socio-economic theory and practice of regulation. Evidence from OECD countries and Bangladesh

Goran Sumkoski


This research analyses the impact of social factors on regulation. The institutional theory of regulation introduces additional principles of independence, accountability and transparency of regulatory agencies, however, the paper argues here for further extending the theoretical and practical scope of regulation by introducing additional social aspects such as the notions of participation, inclusion, credibility and ultimately, legitimacy. The theoretical framework is illustrated with an empirical research conducted using the existing infrastructure regulatory indicators for energy, transport and telecommunications developed by OECD and specially reconstructed infrastructure regulatory indicators for Bangladesh for the period of 1975–2013 to exactly mirror the OECD’s infrastructure indicators datasets. The empirical results appear to generally support the theoretical assumptions made in this paper and the argument for broadening the theory and practice of regulation by inclusion of social factors in addition to economic and technical aspects of the traditional theory of
regulation. More specifically, the impact on regulation of various social factors such as trust, access to information and absence of corruption, that promote participation, inclusion, sense of ownership and consequently and ultimately legitimacy.


Subjects: Regulation; Sociology & Social Policy; Industrial Economics

Keywords: regulation; social capital; institutions; infrastructure; developing country; OECD

JEL classifications: L51 Economics of Regulation; L98 Government Policy; O35 Social Innovation; K23 Regulated Industries and Administrative Law





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